People Bondage

Talking about my personal journey, I have lost count of the number of people that have ever made comments on my eyes. Some were nice, some were rude, but I really never cared because my eyes are one of the qualities that endeared me to my then fiance, now husband. You have to free yourself from the "people bondage". There is nothing that can be perfect in their eyes anyway, which is totally fine. As long as you are perfect to yourself each time you look in the mirror. As long as the person staring back at you makes you smile, people's opinions do not count. 'Your eyes are beautiful'. "You have 'cat eyes'". "Your eyes are big". "Your eyes are globular". "Your eyes are sexy". "Your eyes are huge". As far as I am concerned, my eyes are beautiful because God made me beautifully in His image and in His likeness. No one on earth contributed anything to the way they look until they discovered plastic surgery. So I am content in my own skin. I love my eyes. They allow me see and accommodate images. As long as they are able to allow light pass through my cornea, which in turn refracts in-coming light,  and then the retina is able pick up the light sensation and convert it to electrical signals which then travel through my optic nerve to my brain. As long as I can see with my eyes, the rest is a small do.

 Many people need liberation from this evil bondage. The negative voices that keep people shackled and unable to maximize their full potentials. These voices say things like:

"That is too ambitious".

"You are a bit loud".

"You are wasting your time".

"I don’t think you can do that".

"That is not what your mates are doing".

"You are too passionate".

"You are too nice".

"You are acting unschooled".

"You are too unconventional".

"You need to tone it down a little".

"You don’t have what it takes to do it".

"You have to study medicine".

"You cannot make it if that is all you do".

"I told you this would happen to you".

"You brought this on yourself".

"You will never amount to something".

"You are not serious".

"You will struggle before you have a girl-child (true life story)

"You are too short".

"You are too old".

"You are too overdressed".

When you allow all these statements hold you back, you rob yourself of greatness. They put you in chains and keep you held in dungeons of self-doubt.

Break free from every chains today.

Receive relief from every "People bondage".

Find liberation in your mind with an epic mental shift so that you are able to actualize the future of your dreams.

“I had to grow to love my body. I did not have a good self-image at first. Finally it occurred to me, I’m either going to love me or hate me. And I chose to love myself. Then everything kind of sprung from there. Things that I thought weren’t attractive became sexy. Confidence makes you sexy.”  – Queen Latifah


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