Phones Are Dirty.

In literally terms, phone are just very dirty. As a matter of fact, your cell phone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat! I know that is scary right? Especially for people who have little children and give their phones to 'appease' them when they have temper outbursts or just to distract them. Apart from the fact that phones are not good for the little ones, it is like exposing them to grave danger when we give them our phones. Of course, the intentions are pure but the risk of exposure to germs is really high. It is almost like allowing your child play with the toilet seat. That thought alone gives me goose bumps. I even read of the story of a man in Uganda who reportedly contracted Ebola after stealing a phone. He stole the phone from a quarantined ward of a hospital near the site of a recent Ebola outbreak. Now I call that double-trouble! I know many people are curious as to why I said that phones are dirtier than a toilet seat. Now let's think about i...