Happy New Year !


Happy New Year dear friends. We made it to the amazingly pregnant year 2023!  May it deliver to us the goodness thereof. May we be beneficiaries of its numerous blessings while the evil thereof will never come near our abodes.

 It has been such a long time I showed up on this side of the world. My apologies for the inconsistency. However, I have decided to turn over a new leaf and steadiness of writing is one of my goals which would be equivalent to New year resolutions for believers of that.

Now, we have a lot to catch up on. Last year 2022 was a very interesting year. It was full of numerous wins, pleasant surprises, answered prayers, some failures, a lot of tears, few disappointments, etc. I made new friends, re-connected with old friends. I finished residency training in Internal Medicine. My status changed. I became an attending physician or as we call it in my country of origin, I became a consultant. All glory to God. I am a woman of faith for those of you who do not know me yet. Perhaps in the nearest future, I will do a re-introductory blog post.

I hope you started your year on a good note. If you didn't, you have an ample opportunity to do so.

While I do not intend that this would be a long post. I just wanted to take out time to reconnect with you and encourage, as well as inspire you all to go do great things this year. A few things to remember:

1)  Have a list of goals you would like to achieve this year and write them down somewhere for your personal reference.

2) Make it a priority to seek knowledge. Read for at least 30 minutes everyday. By the end of the year you would have effortlessly read for 10,950 minutes ( 30 x 365). For those of you wondering how I got that! 

3) Declutter your life. Get rid of things that are no longer serving you. These includes clothing items, shoes you do not need any more. It also includes parasitic relationships in your life.

4) Prioritize self care this year. Stop putting others before yourself all the time. Regularly pamper yourself because you deserve it. This also includes you incorporating a strategy to de-stress.

5) Take care of your health. Your health is key, it is important. Don't ignore your mental health too.

6) Find time to do the things you love. Be it writing( like me), painting, running, swimming, playing the piano, playing chess, cooking, etc

7) Observe your quiet time daily.

8) Build social connections. Connect with friends. Check up on loved ones. 

9) Plan your vacation. Be very intentional about this. 

10) Be frugal with your spending. Take your financial life seriously.

Alright people, I hope you have an amazing 2023! May you always find a reason to smile every single day of the year . 

" First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."  - Napoleon Hill


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