
Happy New Year !

  Happy New Year dear friends. We made it to the amazingly pregnant year 2023!  May it deliver to us the goodness thereof. May we be beneficiaries of its numerous blessings while the evil thereof will never come near our abodes.  It has been such a long time I showed up on this side of the world. My apologies for the inconsistency. However, I have decided to turn over a new leaf and steadiness of writing is one of my goals which would be equivalent to New year resolutions for believers of that. Now, we have a lot to catch up on. Last year 2022 was a very interesting year. It was full of numerous wins, pleasant surprises, answered prayers, some failures, a lot of tears, few disappointments, etc. I made new friends, re-connected with old friends. I finished residency training in Internal Medicine. My status changed. I became an attending physician or as we call it in my country of origin, I became a consultant. All glory to God. I am a woman of faith for those of you who do...

Things To Know Before You Start Residency

Hello World! It has been a long while I showed up on this side of things but I am glad to be back here. I want to share some very important tips that will be helpful for anyone planning to start residency program in the United States of America. You need to be aware of these things. I realized that we put in a lot of effort to prepare for the moment leading up to the match, but not many people are adequately equipped with all the right information needed before residency actually starts.  However, before I proceed, I need to say "congratulations!" It is a huge feat that you are at this point and you should never forget that. You deserve all the accolades. A few pieces of advice from someone almost at the very end of a journey you are just about to start. These are a bit unconventional because I do not typically mince my words. If you take to these pieces of advice, in the words of one of my favorite interns, ‘you will be in good shape’.  1. Get an index card and document this...

The Panic Button

  It was a typical morning about two years ago when my daughter was quite younger. I was trying to get the children ready for pre-school. My daughter was all ready and groomed and I was trying to help her older brother get ready too when I suddenly heard a noise. It sounded like someone was in distress. It was my daughter crying loudly and frantically trying to open the door to her room because she had apparently  jammed the door and locked herself up. I ran to her rescue and mommy saved the day, in the words of paw patrol, by opening it with a key from my side. Words could not describe the relief written all over her face. She gave me the warmest hugs her tiny hands could give. I was so sure she would not be going near door locks anytime soon. When something goes wrong especially in an unexpected circumstance, most people start panicking as the default mode. It is kind of expected because the human body instantly goes into a "flight or fight" mode in order to protect the ind...


  Yes, face mask acne is now a thing. It is called "Maskne". I have always prided myself in having a very beautiful, smooth skin. Even as a teenager, I never had issues with acne at all. Therefore, when all of a sudden in the year 2020, few months into the pandemic, I noticed a number of pimples on my face. It was especially around the edges of the mask where it made contact with my skin. I also noticed quite a few just on my cheeks as well. Then, I realized it was attributable to the mask. The timing of when I started noticing the pimples tallied with when I started wearing a disposable N95 mask all day whenever I worked at the hospital. That is a very long time to adorn these masks. But safety over comfort is a wisdom nugget to hold in high esteem especially at this time. Another reason I knew it was the face mask that was responsible for the break-outs or acne, was because at the time I had stopped applying make up because there was no point anyway because it gets covered ...

Hope For A New Day

  Happy New year friends. May this be a great year for you all. May you never have to describe it with the word horror . Rather, may it be filled with hope of brighter days. That is why I want to talk about hope today. I randomly decided to type in the word "hope" into my google search box and curiously awaited my results. The first thing that caught my eyes was the definition of hope. First was the noun which means ; a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, synonymous with aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, plan, dream, daydream, pipe dream. While the verb means ' to want something to happen or be the case'. This is synonymous with expect, anticipate, look for, wait for, be hopeful of, pin one's hopes on, want. This year 2021, you have to want something great and positively mind-blowing happen to you. You have to work very hard to make sure that happens. What have you written down in your journal as a list of things yo...

Lessons Learnt From the Year 2020

  I know this year 2020 has been a year like no other. It is the year of the Pandemic. We have experienced a lot of dimensions to this pandemic. A lot has happened.  A lot of tears have been shed. A lot of pain have been endured across the globe this year. I am not sure any dolorimeter has been designed to cater to the immense measure of pain 2020 has spewn on earth. Many have lost their sources of livelihood. Many have lost their homes. Many have lost their dignity.  Many have gone hungry. Many have lost their marriages. Many have lost their lives. It is almost too much. However, you made it up to this point! There is still hope. There is covid vaccine now available which is also reported to be quite effective.  The vaccine has been described as "A Ray of Hope". Some call it "A Shot of Hope". Wait for and wait on this hope. We know that hope is that ability to chose to see light despite all the darkness. I know you had high hopes for this year. Big dreams, dazzling...

People Bondage

Talking about my personal journey, I have lost count of the number of people that have ever made comments on my eyes. Some were nice, some were rude, but I really never cared because my eyes are one of the qualities that endeared me to my then fiance, now husband. You have to free yourself from the "people bondage". There is nothing that can be perfect in their eyes anyway, which is totally fine. As long as you are perfect to yourself each time you look in the mirror. As long as the person staring back at you makes you smile, people's opinions do not count. 'Your eyes are beautiful'. "You have 'cat eyes'". "Your eyes are big". "Your eyes are globular". "Your eyes are sexy". "Your eyes are huge". As far as I am concerned, my eyes are beautiful because God made me beautifully in His image and in His likeness. No one on earth contributed anything to the way they look until they discovered plastic surgery. So I...