The Modified Lemon Water Challenge

My goal is to help people maintain a healthy lifestyle which was why I came up with the lemon water challenge to start with. I very much prefer people to stay healthy through prevention rather than having to come see me for treatment in the hospital. I recently completed what I call the modified lemon water challenge - a 30-day weight loss regimen for people who would love to shed some weight to stay healthy. The first part was just the lemon water challenge. You can read about that here . Change I believe is something that starts from the mind. When you make up your mind to do something then nothing can stop you from achieving it. You are your own greatest hindrance if you allow it. I for one could not believe I can ever do without sugar but thanks to the modified lemon water challenge, I GAVE UP SUGAR! Today I am 90 days "sugar sober". The following things are needed for this challenge: -A journal (to record your weight daily and put a tick when you dri...